Monday, September 16, 2019

UFO Disclosure - The World is About to BLOW!! [UPDATE - Hoax Confirmed]

UPDATE: The validity of the supposed comment by Tom DeLonge has been questioned. While it certainly sounds like what DeLonge has been saying, there is no confirmation of it, or of the prediction, from DeLonge or any of his associates. When Tom DeLonge makes a bizarre claim (as he is known to do), he places it on his own social media accounts, not someone else's. Silva insists that the comment has been verified, but refuses to say how.
Danny Silva's comment on the Facebook "UFO Updates" group.
Note how Silva writes "Delonge" without the capital "L", exactly as in the disputed comment. The "real Tom DeLonge" capitalizes the "L". This error makes it look even more likely that Silva hoaxed this comment.

Then finally, the other shoe has dropped. The hoax has been confirmed:

Seeing how he has tried to hoax his readers, I no longer can accept Danny Silva as a credible source of information.

As for the material that used to follow here, it has been moved to the next post.


Here it comes!!  On  September 13, Tom DeLonge posted a comment on the website Silva Record:

DeLonge- the guy who brought all this TTSA, AATIP etc. business to the public - promises  that this week (presumably by September 21), the "World is about to BLOW" because of his amazing UFO disclosures. So, hold onto your hats, and get ready for something amazing! Or so he says.


  1. Very informative and interesting data from the Navy & DOD. So outside of their MOA's, they don't really care if it's a UAP, or UFO, which means, ET is not a top consideration for them. However, To The Stars wants everyone to believe it's all about ET! But Mr. DeLong is very busy person these days, for he is divorcing his wife, and STILL sings and performs with a group known as the Angels; where's the time for him to be investigating ET? Or is he going to let, Mr. UFO Expert, Luis Elizondo do all the work, and make their great discoveries?

  2. The TTSA disciples seem like the Keystone Kops of UFO reporting, with plenty of unconditional loyalty mixed in.

  3. Absurd, Danny is no liar. He has gotten approval from big players like George Knapp and wouldn't jeopardize his credibility. especially with hoaxing a quote from Tom

  4. The stupidity by you is quite shocking

  5. Are you running out of things to talk about, Jack?
    Gossip and conspiracy thinking.

    Poor form.

  6. Oof, trash article brother. Try again some other day, or better yet, don't.

  7. As someone intrested in UFOs I do check out Silva Record from time to time when I really need to confirm something. I have always found him to be balanced and fair. Tom Delonge's off the cuff remarks are sometimes hard to decipher and I don't think it's fair to blame Silva or anyone else for how they interpret Tom's tweets etc.

  8. Danny Silva is doing a great! job.
    I can't say the same for you with the Jr. High school reporting style.
    also your jealousy is showing.

  9. This article is a joke right? You say "In light of this information, I no longer can accept Danny Silva as a credible source of information." Based on speculative conjecture....

    The blog post in question you are referring to was eye opening and interesting containing information that was not largely available unlike this piece of drivel ...

  10. He's had other notable names from that circle confirmed to have read & commented in the past on that blog, u know...

    1. He could have made those up too and most people seem to think he did

  11. Danny is a straight up guy and doesn't make false claims. He sticks to the facts that's it. Shame on you.

  12. It sure looked, to me, like he was joking when he said that you "cracked the case."

  13. Danny is the man. He's done nothing but display high integrity and diligent research. Shame on you for this article. Kindly, @TTSAFan

  14. What a garbage "article", the anti TTSA fan boys are worse than supporters. Why not just ignore them and report all the other ufo news.. oh right. So keep riding those coat tails, same with Block Vault. You guys wouldn't have anything to talk about if not for Tom.

    1. What's, a "Block Vault"? Tom, Luis Elizondo, etc., has infested the UFO field with ET silliness. And he still sings with a band called, the Angels...LOL!


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