Again this year, I am attending the largest UFO conference in the world, this year's
International UFO Congress Conference and Film Festival near Phoenix, Arizona. Unlike previous years, I was not able to attend all five days. Also I'm not going to try to provide a summary of every talk (although I said that previously!). But there is obviously a lot going on here - most of UFOlogy's "heavy hitters" are here.
Boyd Bushman is vindicated - Plastic Aliens are everywhere! |
Program Thursday, February 19.
Thomas Reed |
9AM. Substituting for Linda Zimmerman is Thomas Reed. The talk is on the Reed family UFO encounters and abductions, in various locations. He showed a long documentary video, mostly excerpts from cable TV shows, with hideously bad audio, and a loud hum.
His case was supposedly mentioned at the UN in 1992. The same day, he says his father was murdered.
He told of alien abductions and such, involving his brother and son. There allegedly were radiation and magnetic effects. His long and boring account told what the aliens supposedly did, but probably didn't. He hinted about family disagreements over UFO claims. One questioner noted that his brother's account of their supposed UFO abduction is completely inconsistent with his. Thom explained how his brother is, of course, mistaken. But he confessed, "I didn't pass a polygraph test."
Abductionist Yvonne Smith once came out to his house to "regress" him about his UFO experiences. The resulting video looked much like a scene from
The Exorcist, with Reed writhing, panting, and thrashing about on the couch.
Reed hired a lawyer to sue the government, or somebody, over what the saucers did to him. So far, no luck. He proudly announced that his UFO case has been accepted as the first true UFO case ever by some historical society somewhere. We are supposed to be impressed.
DERRELL SIMS - the Alien Hunter!
Sims had been laying somewhat low in UFOlogy but now is boldly moving into the territory until recently occupied by his former colleague, the late Dr. Roger Leir. Sims claims to have worked for the CIA, but he doesn't have any proof of that.
A red-light camera in Los Angeles recently captured the image of an alien in the back seat of a car, abducting the driver.
Derrell Sims |
More bad alien photos, much like those of Jaime Maussan. Also of Bruises caused by alien hands on peoples bodies. When ufos in photos have blurry edges, it means they are in transit. Those with sharp edges are probes.
Implants galore. However doctors often steal the alien implants after surgery. IR, fluorescence, etc.
"M I B Sperm Detection" provides documentation of alien sexual assault. One woman was forced to copulate with a creature like a pig. One of his abductees assaulted hiscaptor with a sword. In the morning, he found a lump of alien DNA on the floor. Unfortunately, it was eaten by the dog, which died soon afterward.
Sims told scary, home-style stories. The alien agenda is always hostile.
Aliens sometimes masquerade as angels, but never vice-versa. Infact, aliens flee when angels appear, according to Sims.
Chris O'Brien |
Continuing in the homespun vein,
Chris O'Brien talked about cattle mutilations. He says he has investigated over 200 reported cases, of which about 40 are "high strange."
He traced the parallel histories of humans and cattle, suggesting that our lives and our fates are linked in some mysterious way - and perhaps our DNA as well. Then he went into a ramblinmg discussion of all manner of weird conspiracy claims, everything from "mystery helicopters" to just about every conspiracy you've ever heard of, and a few you haven't.
Charlie Foltz |
Charlie Foltz talked about the famous Allagash Abductions of 1976, of which he was one of the "victims." Also participating via Skype was another of the Allagash "abductees," Jim Weiner. Foltz had the appearance and mannerisms of Jonathan Winters, although his stories were not so entertaining.
The incident occurs in the wilderness, preceded by a lot of climbing, a lot of camping, a lot of canoeing, etc. While they were in the wilderness, they saw a bright UFO, but did not remember any abduction. (Notice that this was before Budd Hopkins burst into the UFO abduction scene. Before that, you had to go out to some remote place for aliens to find you (B-B Hill, Travis Walton, Kentucky Abductions, etc.). After Hopkins' Missing Time, you didn't need to go anywhere. Aliens would come right into your bedroom and grab you.).
Not until years later, when the Alligash Trio were hypnotized by Dr. John Mack, did this UFO sighting become an abduction story.
Foltz finished up by trying to interest the audience in his nature paintings, and also in his services as a graphic designer.
Yvonne Smith |
The afternoon ended with a panel featuring these four speakers, moderated by Yvonne Smith. The subject was Rare Cases of Mass Alien Abductions. Smith talked about her own favorite such case, which allegedly occurred in 1994 at a UFO abduction conference she had organized at the Hotel Del Coronado, near San Diego. She teased the audience with the possibility that they might experience a mass alien abduction tonight as well.
Each of the four speakers then went on to talk about their favorite "mass abduction" case.
Patient Seventeen
A film about the surgeries of the late Dr. roger Leir to remove alleged alien implants from peoples' bodies. Dr. Leir illustrates how to find alien implants, using a stud finder.
alien art for sale |
I almost went to the conference because I thought Lazar might be entertaining, but all the abduction stuff was ultimately too much. If I wanted to hear stories of mass abuctions recounted under hypnosis, I would go to the satanic ritual abuse conference and learn about teachers taking kids to Mars or whatever other hypnotic experience is currently in vogue.
ReplyDeleteI went to a couple in the 2000s (even won a few EBE awards - pretty cool statues, to be honest, although not awards I put on my real filmmaker resume)... kitschy, goofy fun, so long as you didn't take any of it seriously. But I have no desire to go again - part of the fun in the old days was the casino venue in Laughlin. The new digs just aren't as interesting, and the line-up seems... well, tired. I'm glad I went when the thing still had some juice, but those days seem gone.
ReplyDelete"In the morning, he found a lump of alien DNA on the floor. Unfortunately, it was eaten by the dog, which died soon afterward."
ReplyDeleteAn ironic retelling of the lazy student's excuse? 'The dog ate my homework and died.'
It's great to see Derrel back again - he's a man who really puts in the effort to tell interesting stories. His golden classic was being involved in a high-speed car chase in pursuit of a grey alien that was disguised as a little old lady in sunglasses. Just before the grey sped away, it looked back at them and nodded.
5 Star BS for the credulous and so entertaining!
Ezekiel saw the wheel. UFOs are new religion for the masses. A bunch of confused people wandering the desert looking skyward for guidance. Surprised that nobody has come up with a aliens turning water into wine or aliens multiplying the loaves and the fishes story yet... wait, that is actually what Bob Dean, a International UFO Congress elder statesman does as he points to the heavens and claims that "Jesus is one of THEM!" There is indeed nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9
ReplyDeleterandom responses:
ReplyDelete> what appears to be the same plastic aliens allegedly photographed by Boyd Bushman
Not the same alien. But your photo caption is correct: the plasticity of aliens is hereby corroborated!
> his UFO case has been accepted as the first true UFO case ever by some historical society somewhere.
His website has a letter purportedly from the Great Barrington Historical Society, which declares his UFO experience to be "true." Among the corroborations, the letter lists Reed's polygraph test!
A site search of the Great Barrington Historical Society finds nothing about Reed. A Google search for Reed and the GBHS gives only Reed's site. None of the GBHS agenda and minutes in online forums mention Reed.
> We are supposed to be impressed.
Nope. Other testimonials to Reed's integrity: Don Schmitt and Mike Bara! (I guess the boy who cried "wolf" has an unlisted telephone number.)
> Derrel Sims
Colbert had good fun with Sims a few years ago:
> Yvonne Smith
I'm beginning to think she has been photographed only once in her entire life.
I just read another recap / report of Saturday's events that mentioned a morning abduction seminar, Richard Dolan, Jaime Maussan, George Knapp, and the movie "Travis." But nothing about Lazar, which seemed like a strange omission. Surely, he would have been the main event. I hope Bob was not abducted.
ReplyDeleteTerry, apparently Reed's claim about the Historical Society is true:
He was carrying around a copy of the letter from the Historical Society to show people, as if this proved his tales to be true.
Sky, Lazar was not abducted. Be patient, I'll eventually get the whole story out. But I try to write carefully, and that takes time.
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ReplyDelete9AM. Substituting for Linda Zimmerman is Thomas Reed.
ReplyDelete- Correction not substituting switched times as my flight was grounded.
The talk is on the Reed family UFO encounters and abductions, in various locations.
- Correction: Gt Barrington & Sheffield are only miles from each other and I was leaving Gt Barrington the night it took place.
He showed a long documentary video, mostly excerpts from cable TV shows, with hideously bad audio, and a loud hum. - Maybe you should speak to the audio dept, do you really think I would run poor audio ?
His case was supposedly mentioned at the UN in 1992. The same day, he says his father was murdered. (Yes True)
He told of alien abductions and such, involving his brother and son. There allegedly were radiation and magnetic effects.
- Not allegedly, and it's recorded on camera.
His long and boring account told what the aliens supposedly did, but probably didn't.
- You have a lot of nerve attacking others just because you feel there not being honest when you but you find it ok, to boldly lie about those same people, and why, just to make others look bad. May I ask, does this make you feel better about yourself?
He hinted about family disagreements over UFO claims. - NOT TRUE but I guess we can buy the DVD and see for our self.
One questioner noted that his brother's account of their supposed UFO abduction is completely inconsistent with his. - Correction: My Brother and I are pretty much on the same page, maybe you should pay more attention, maybe close the pen and open your ears?
Thom explained how his brother is, of course, mistaken. (Never said that either @)
But he confessed, "I didn't pass a polygraph test." - OK, You 're just making a fool of yourself now, I passed with a 99.1% . Given by a 30 year police officer. I passed with almost a perfect score.
Abductionist Yvonne Smith once came out to his house to "regress" him about his UFO experiences. The resulting video looked much like a scene from The Exorcist, with Reed writhing, panting, and thrashing about on the couch. - Your compassion is noted sir.
Reed hired a lawyer to sue the government, or somebody, over what the saucers did to him. So far, no luck.
- You really are out in left field, I have no idea what you talking about... and to think I tried to be nice to you, and not judge, or run with what others say, but this nonsense says it all.
He proudly announced that his UFO case has been accepted as the first true UFO case ever by some historical society somewhere. We are supposed to be impressed. (Well not you no, but the fact it has been investigated by officers and Historians and now inducted) yes that's a mile -stone. I find it odd, that with all you think you heard, you cant recall the town even though it was posted in black & white,,,
May I say this, posting on line sir, is in pen not pencil, We all have a aright to our opinion but posting a none truth is wrong... Please pick your words more carefully.
Until next time
DeleteYou object to some of my my statements that you admitted to not passing a polygraph test, that your brother's account was significantly different than yours (as mentioned in the Q&A), etc. While it's true that these are mostly not direct quotes, anyone who has a DVD of your talk can verify that my paraphrasing is accurate. I did abbreviate the facts in saying that you "substituted" for Linda Zimmerman; indeed the two of you switched timeslots.
How do you record "radiation effects" and "magnetic effects" on cameras?
I did not "boldly lie" about anyone, and I am scratching my head trying to interpret your comment that "I tried to be nice to you." We scarcely talked much at all, said nothing controversial. In fact, I recall that when we met in the bar, you wanted to pose with me in photos of simulated pugilism, as if we were boxing. I thought this swas extremely peculiar, but I went along. Is that an example of what you call "being nice?" Is "being nice" not what you usually do?
Hi Robert, foremost I did pass my polygraph test with a 99.1% the results were on the screen, as was the phone number to Advanced Polygraph. The test results are displayed at the Roswell Museum and the MA Historical Society. (You’re incorrect)
DeleteYour question, how do you record Radiation with a camera? You record and/or photography the meter. How do you record magnetic effects on camera? You point the camera at the compass, as the Detective White reported.
You were friendly while at the bar, however following the event you misrepresented me on your page. You also claimed I tried to file a lawsuit against the United Nations, again you’re mistaken.
Shallow digging will validate this event was inducted into State history by the State and the Office of the Governor. That was on the front page of the Boston Globe, the Washington Times and covered live by ABC NY. (easily googled) There’s a UFO park commemorating the incident and its induction into U.S. History. I stand by our event; and family, and for no other reason than to do right by this topic. Intern doing right by my family, and my late father. Thank you Robert.
I read many article but this much informative post i cannot get.Many resources or sites are giving the valuable information for the readers.So here i got different information.
ReplyDeleteOmg. It's all a personal event that happens. Just like your personal relationship with your higher power. Make fun, call names... humans got to pay rent, mortgage, eat and have travel. Doesn't mean they are a hoax. I never heard of a aeT abducting anyone at ECETI. I think James Gilliland says what happens in his meditations and they are coming to him. Not demons or lower astrals you know the difference even if they come as angels of light. We know this especially if you have protection and do it all the time. See 1st John 4-1-4.
ReplyDeleteI know this because I have had the experiences myself. You have too! There are dreams then there is out of body experiences. Have you even flown, talked about dreams in your dreams? Know people and places in you dreams but don't know them? Even day dreams? Ringing in ears. I mean a different kind of ringing. They are trying to tell you something. Discount it if you want, call names, ignore it. It's up to you. But if you really want to learn and expand your life meditate. Listen...
or you can do the 9-5 plus... Mon-Friday never look up at the sky or stars... watch dancing with the stars instead go ahead. But if you are meant to do it, it will find you. Fight it. Until you start it will continue to have that Unfulfillment that hounds you all the time. Good luck coming God Bless...
Hi Robert, foremost I did pass my polygraph test with a 99.1% the results were on the screen, as was the phone number to Advanced Polygraph. The test results are displayed at the Roswell Museum and the MA Historical Society.
ReplyDelete(You’re incorrect) Your question, how you record Radiation with a camera? You record and/or photography the meter. How do you record magnetic effects on camera, you point the camera at the compass, as the Detective White reported.
You were friendly while at the bar, however following the event you misrepresented me on your page. You also claimed I tried to file a lawsuit against the United Nations, again you’re mistaken.
Shallow digging will validate this event was inducted into State history via the Office of the Governor. That was on the front page of the Boston Globe, the Washington Times and covered live by ABC NY. (easily googled) There’s a UFO park commemorating the incident and its induction into U.S History. I stand by our event; and my family, and for no other reason than to do right by this topic. Intern doing right by my family, and my late father.
Derrell Sims was never in the CIA. He's a big phony