SATURDAY FEB. 21, 9AM: Richard Dolan.
"UFOs: The Real Power Structure and the End Game"
He Talked about a shadowy secret power structure, involving the military and Wall Street. Dark money goes into secret technologies. anti-gravity etc. They are weaponizing recovered technologies, and mind control technologies. "Breakthrough technologies" are based on recovered ET technology. There is a group of "others" who have been here a long time. ETs? They have powerful telepathy.
"Disclosure" as people envision it will probably not happen. It might open individuals in positions of power to criminal prosecution. They would never risk it.
The UFO cover-up is international. Brazil, India, China, many nations involved. The conspirators - primarily, the U.S. - use bribery, blackmail, and threats against foreign leaders. NSA has been spying on them. Fearing the consequences, they comply with the cover-up.
Breakaway trans-national organizations are being formed. Nations are becoming less relevant.
He gave a conspiratorial
analysis of Middle Eastern fighting, centering around a proposed "Islamic Pipeline"
that would undercut Russia's energy dominance in Europe. Putin is hoarding gold.
conspiators' goal is a police state, fascism. Government and corporate
dominance. Disclosure, if it could be obtained, would prevent this. Fascism would lose, and we would have "Power to the People," if some
future president tore free of these encumbrances, and disclosed the presence of aliens.
Afterwards we ran into each other several times, and had some nice chats. I told him that I found it impossible to believe that the U.S. government is able to make the likes of Putin or Iran's Ayatollahs do its bidding. If that were so, we would have dissuaded Putin from swallowing up several provinces in Georgia and the Ukraine (unless UFO secrecy is so much more important than that!). Dolan's vision of a global cover-up is, in my view, impossibly large and unwieldy. We agreed that we should have more discussions at future events.
Yours truly (again forgetting to smile) chatting with Richard Dolan |
The title of his talk is "BREAKING NEWS," meaning the most significant UFO developments of the past year. "New video technology shows that there are not just invisible UFOs close to us but even invisible creatures," says the program. Maussan
has a 2-hour weekly program on national TV in Mexico. We have so
much evidence to promote every week, he says.
He showed a photo of a huge "invisible" UFO seen in Las Vegas
at sunset. A big translucent UFO was hovering behind the Paris casino Eiffel
tower on the Las Vegas Strip. It was only seen because it was "reflecting the sun."
He showed a NASA Curiosity
rover photo of a "woman" on Mars (although in my opinion she looks like Bigfoot). What looks like a rock is really a
Martian house made of stones. A UFO is seen hovering over Mars.
A UFO video from Russia is clearly a reflection of a flashlight on a window.
A UFO was seen in the Rosetta photos of Comet P/67. Amazing sounds were coming from the comet (in space).
Maussan showed dozens
of low-grade UFO videos, from the US and elsewhere, all from the past
year. Dots of light in the sky. UFOs going in and out of ''portholes,"
this has been proven. The statue of Liberty UFO video. Still no mention of the Roswell Slides.
Next he showed his best UFO videos from Mexico, starting from 2004. Then videos of "Shadow
people" - semi-visible shadowy beings. They look like dark smudges, just a blurry dark spot, sneaking around. One
sat in a rocking chair, and rocked it. One entity "Shadowed" Maussan in a crop
Then there were "Invisible UFOs". Night-vision UFOs (flocks of birds).
Some new Crop circles, one showing the 'eye of God.'
Two minutes before his talk's scheduled end, Maussan said
"I want to talk about something very important." The Roswell Slides? Nope! From Brazil we have a video in which the aliens are producing a strange sound. (A deep musical hum). Then he showed a solar balloon in Los Angeles. Weeping
statues worldwide. The face of Christ in the clouds.
His talk ran five minutes late (I know this was frowned on, as they attempt to stick very closely to the published schedule). Then at that point, Maussan unexpectedly brings Adam Dew onto the stage, and promos his unveiling of the Roswell Slides in Mexico City on May 5. He showed
a brief English-language video "beWitness." The narrator has Spanish accent.
Donald Schmidt & Tom Carey will be there in Mexico City, as will moonwalker Edgar Mitchell. 3D & holographic technology will be used, to present the evidence as never before.
Jaime Maussan, and Adam Dew |
Afterward, a number of people sought out Maussan, but nobody was talking to Dew. I introduced myself to him, and began asking him questions.
How did you first obtain the slides? The slides were found by the sister of my friend as she was cleaning out a house to be demolished in Sedona, AZ. They said, Adam is a video expert, let's give the slides to him.
Who is the owner of the slides? My company is the
"owner" of the slides, it controls the slides.
How did Schmitt and Carey get involved? I've spent two years researching and investigating the slides. I wanted to speak to
people who have seen the bodies.
Did Schmitt & Carey claim to see bodies? No, but they are the professionals. They spoke with credible people who did. I explained that Karl Pflock (certainly no UFO debunker) showed that all of the supposed "witnesses" who claimed to have seen alien bodies in Roswell have been discredited ("only four persons claiming firsthand knowledge of alien bodies have been interviewed by Roswell authors and identified publicly... there can be no reasonable doubt that none of the purported firsthand witnesses to alien bodies and a lonesome survivor is credible. Not one." Pflock, Roswell - Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe, p. 118, 120.). I should also have mentioned Schmitt's well-known loose relationship with the truth. (Neither Schmitt or Carey was at the Congress this year. I spoke with Schmitt when he was there last year, but nothing was said about the Roswell Slides.)
How did Maussan get involved? Schmitt and Carey brought him in. Maussan offered a nice package.
I explained how the fact of Maussan's involvement made many knowledgeable people in the UFO field immediately suspect a hoax, given his reputation for promoting many UFO hoaxes in the past. I had the impression that Dew, clearly a newcomer to UFOlogy, was not familiar with Maussan's oeuvre, or his reputation as a purveyor of rubbish. I suspect that Dew did not realize how much trouble bringing in Maussan would cause. He felt that some people were being very unfair and making unfair accusations about the slides, that they have not even seen.
I referred to Maussan's
just-concluded talk, invisible beings and such, as illustrating my point. "Was all of it fake?" "Yes" "How can you prove that?" I
explained that the burden of proof is on Maussan to show that his wild
claims are valid, not on me to disprove them. Dew agreed.
I'm interested to bring this thing to the public, to people who don't know Maussan. I just did an interview about this in Chicago, on WGN.
I'm interested to bring this thing to the public, to people who don't know Maussan. I just did an interview about this in Chicago, on WGN.
![]() |
Adam Dew interviews the interviewer - me!! |
A few minutes later, Dew came up to me and asked if he could interview me about the slides! I agreed, and signed his standard release form.
We talked about the controversy over the slides.
We talked about the controversy over the slides.
I explained how Maussan's involvement made people extremely suspicious of the slides.
He said to me, You realize, I hope, that nobody gets rich making documentary films? Look at my crew, he said, pointing to himself and his camera. I replied, yes, I have heard that before (I was thinking of similar comments made by Paul Kimball, when he took on the late Roger Leir.). But in a few cases, I explained, large sums of money have been made, the most obvious example being Ray Santilli's Alien Autopsy hoax twenty years ago. Dew was indeed familiar with this. When the Alien Autopsy video was shown on TV, it got tremendously high ratings and made a lot of money, even though most serious persons realized it was probably a hoax. But that couldn't be proven yet. By the time that the hoax was exposed, Santilli had already made a great deal of money on it, and I said that many people think that you, Mr. Dew, will travel that same path. So I ended up comparing him to Ray Santilli, by which he seemed slightly taken aback, but I think he saw the reasoning behind that and took it humorously and without offense.
I closed repeating the observation that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof," and that two photos of unknown origin, no matter what they seem to show, cannot possibly suffice to prove the reality of crashed saucer aliens. He seemed to agree with my point.
So if someday you see my face in one of Dew's videos about the Roswell Slides, don't be surprised!
asked Dew did he live in Chicago? He said yes, that's where I'm "based." I
don't want to talk about where I live. He also told me, No matter what you hear on the internet, I really am a graduate of Northwestern University, in Journalism. I told him that I am a Northwestern graduate, too.
Based on our conversation, here is what I understand the history (and planned future) of the "Roswell Slides" to be:
- Through a social connection, Dew obtains a collection of historical slides. He discovers that two of them seem to show what looks like a supposed alien body.
- Seeking out 'Roswell experts,' Dew (not surprisingly) happens upon Schmitt and Carey. He contacts them and shows them the slides. They share it with members of their "Roswell dream team."
- After convincing themselves that the slides seem authentic, Schmitt and Carey contact Maussan to arrange a profitable "unveiling" of the slides.
- Maussan presents an attractive offer which Dew accepts. The slides will be revealed to the world in Mexico City on Cinco de Mayo, 2015, which is also the twentieth anniversary of the premiere screening of Ray Santilli's Alien Autopsy video before an invited audience at the Museum of London.
- Afterward, assuming that the slides are authenticated, Maussan told an Italian journalist that John Rao, the wealthy businessman who operates Open Minds (the promoters of the International UFO Congress), has expressed an interest in buying them. Assuming that takes place, next year's UFO Congress (already scheduled to take place in the same location) will presumably have the Roswell Slides displayed in a glass case.
Jeremy Corbell |
Jeremy Corbell
"An investigative filmmaker with unique and unprecedented access to military and private techno industry." However, he seems to believe every wild story he hears. He gave a long and rather confusing talk based on the weird people and weird stuff he has filmed. One of his films, Patient Seventeen (about Roger Leir digging out alleged alien implants) was shown at the film festival. Corbell is very pro-Lazar and pro-John Lear (which is surprising, since Lazar considers Lear to be a fabricator, and probably vice-versa.)
George Knapp.
A well-known television journalist in Las Vegas. He was the first to interview Bob Lazar, who he compares to Edward Snowden, who blew the whistle on NSA spying. Knapp says that the comparison is
valid. Knapp basically defends Lazar's reputation against 'unfair' charges.
George Knapp |
He told a lot of alien jokes that were mostly pretty funny. He is certainly a good entertainer.
Knapp says he knows of dozens of Area 51 veterans who confirm Lazar's descriptions at least in part.
Special Q&A with Bob Lazar and George Knapp. Questions for Lazar had to be submitted in advance at the registration desk, for Knapp to ask him.
Asked what he is currently doing, Lazar explained that he is basically in the business of selling radioactive and otherwise dangerous stuff. He said, "I unfortunately live in Michigan." He says he moved there because the state promised aid for his business, but implied that he was disappointed in what he actually received. In his previous home in Nevada, he had a 30 ft particle accelerator(!).
Bob Lazar |
Referring obliquely to questions about his credentials, he said people told him "you don't act like a physicist." He decried the kind of pompous physicists you meet at at Los Alamos and other places, implying "I'm not like them." Lazar threw some barbs at John Lear, who he suggested is not telling the truth about saucers at Area 51. (Apparently the two of them have made up mutually-inconsistent fables about Area 51, and thus can never be reconciled.)
Lazar drew an illustration of a supposed saucer hangar at Area 51, and did several other illustrations. These were all ARVs, Alien Reproduction Vehicles. He talked about gravity amplifiers. They run on element 115 (Lazarium?), of which there were 500 lbs at Area 51. The craft distorts space-time and pushes itself along. Since Lazar first told his fables about "Element 115," scientists have actually synthesised that element, albeit for an extremely brief period of time. It did not turn out to be a stable element, as Lazar claimed it was.
At the Evening Banquet, awards were given out. A "lifetime achievement award" was awarded to the late Dr. Roger Leir, a California podiatrist who would remove what were claimed to be "alien implants" in people. The Film Festival award for best documentary went to the movie Travis, that I wrote about in the previous installment.
There was much picture taking at the close of the banquet. I was asked to take photos of a group of people that included James Gilliland. Because that phone was very different from mine, I accidentally took two brief videos instead of still photos. One of them included a fast-moving object that was immediately described as an "Orb" (orbs are supposedly paranormal phenomena that are sometimes seen in photos or videos where psyschic powers are involved). I said I thought it was a tiny moth, attracted by the light on the camera. It could have been either one, I suppose. When I was on Dr. J's internet radio show Dark Matter a few days later, the woman in the photo called in to tease me about my psychic ability to cause orbs to appear.
There was much picture taking at the close of the banquet. I was asked to take photos of a group of people that included James Gilliland. Because that phone was very different from mine, I accidentally took two brief videos instead of still photos. One of them included a fast-moving object that was immediately described as an "Orb" (orbs are supposedly paranormal phenomena that are sometimes seen in photos or videos where psyschic powers are involved). I said I thought it was a tiny moth, attracted by the light on the camera. It could have been either one, I suppose. When I was on Dr. J's internet radio show Dark Matter a few days later, the woman in the photo called in to tease me about my psychic ability to cause orbs to appear.
I did not attend the Sunday session. However, I heard from a friend that there was a great shouting match between Stanton Friedman and Jeremy
Corbell on the final panel. Friedman kept laying out his reasoning of why Bob Lazar is a
fraud while Corbell defended him. The two of them argued for about 30 minutes
straight. I'm told it was the best drama and entertainment of the entire event! Here is a Twitter report on Friedman vs. Corbell.