From August 9 to 11, 2013 "Contact in the Desert" was held at Joshua Tree Retreat Center, in Joshua Tree, California. Fortunately it was held indoors, because outdoors the temperature hovered around 110 degrees. Among the "luminaries" lecturing were George Noory, Steven Greer, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos [aliens!], David Wilcock, Jim Marrs, William Henry, Michael Salla, Jason Martell, David Sereda, Richard Dolan, and Travis Walton.
But not all of the heat was outside. A page on Unknown Country, the website of Whitley and Anne Strieber, has an article dated September 5, titled "William Describes a Bizarre Horror Show at a UFO Conference." It concerns William Henry, a promoter of woo who lectures about ancient Egyptian "stargates" and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM and Ancient Aliens.
William Henry tells a horrifying story of imprisonment of the audience at the Contact in the Desert Conference August 9--11. He says that David Wilcock came with a bodyguard, and that Steven Greer arrived with a whole group of bodyguards, who proceeded to lock the doors and allow nobody in our out during his presentation. If this happened, it was illegal, and we urge all UFO conference attendees to demand that they not be imprisoned during any performance for any reason.
David Wilcock is a psychic and best-selling author of loopy books on Consciousness. He claims to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. UFO mega-celebrity Steven Greer needs no introduction (if you aren't familiar with Greer, enter his name into the search box at the top of the page).
I know someone who attended that conference, so I asked him if this was true and if he knew anything about it. Short answer: yes, it's basically true. He doesn't want his name mentioned, but here is what he wrote:
Have you seen the movie "Bruce Almighty?" Do you remember Morgan Freeman playing God where he was dressed in an all white suit? Well Wilcock came out wearing the exact same thing with his "holier than thou" attitude ( which, by the way, including him shoving aside a young woman who was merely asking for his autograph on his own book....I bet she won't buy another one of his books again). Anyhow, I got sick of hearing his bologna during his lecture so I walked out. Now here is where I may be wrong or Streiber is wrong but I believe it was Wilcock speaking when this incident happened: I'm outside talking to a friend at the coffee vendor when I hear some loud arguing with a familiar voice. The normally soft spoken Henry was livid & was walking from the side of the hall to the front with someone trying to restrain him. He banged on the door & a security guard opened the door & he went crazy yelling at the guard for not letting his wife outside to get some air. Apparently she has a condition of some sort & also was extremely hot yet the guards didn't open the door to let her out. The yelling lasted for a few minutes & as Henry walked away with his wife, he was still yelling back at the guard, loud enough to where just about everyone in the vicinity heard. He said everything from it being illegal to lock people in, a big lawsuit can arise if anyone gets hurt, etc...all valid points. One more thing I might add: Greer showed up with armed guards with "black ops security" written on their shirts. Wilcock not only had guards, he had a bomb-sniffing dog with him!! Can you believe that? Anyhow, it was truly a fiasco....every bit of it.
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Interplanetary Peace and Love at the Conference |
It's weird what security was doing. When I was standing outside, I saw people grouping together at the door to get in rather than going in as they pleased. Apparently the security was only allowing people in at 10 minute intervals. When I was inside, I just so happen to be walking out toward the main entrance as they were opening the door for the others to come in. So you could say that had I not been coincidentally at the right place at the right time, they would have refused me leaving for up to 10 minutes. Also, I never saw Greer's lecture indoors (he did something outdoors too which they obviously couldn't control that but his armed "black ops security" guards were on stage with him). So it definitely was Wilcock's lecture that William Henry flipped out on although it's possible they used the same protocol for Greer (although Wilcock seemed to be the craziest one with his bomb-sniffing dog.....)
So apparently they were only letting people out when other people were being let in!
Here is a brief video my friend took showing Greer walking up to the stage at his outdoor event, flanked by his "Black Ops Security" guards. If you watch this carefully, full-screen, you can just make out the words "Black Ops" I seriously doubt that people who work in Black Ops wear shirts that say "Black Ops" on them. That sort of defeats the purpose of a Black Op, doesn't it?
[Added Sept. 23:]
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Greer's security men guard the exit doors |
We can actually see three of his security men, wearing yellow hats, positioning themselves in from of the exits, and they remain there for the duration of the lecture. I have never seen security guards do this at any other conference! At first we see two security men in front of the exit on the right. At about 1:42 into the video, one of the men crosses quickly and (apparently) takes up a position in from of an exit at the far left. We see him (I think) ever-so-briefly at about 12:58.
Greer repeats the allegation that he was offered $2 Billion (not million!) to join the Conspiracy. He had made this allegation in previous lectures.
Greer's talk continues past the end of this video at 26:32, so we don't know if any security issues came up (like somebody trying to leave).
Anyone else who has first-hand knowledge of this matter, please share it with us. And surely somebody, somewhere, must have taken a photo of Wilcock's bomb-sniffing dog in action? I'd love to see that!
Looks like the "Black Ops" idea was supposed to be funny, at least I hope so. This is a crowd I'm not really familiar with, they do seem to take things more seriously than a skeptic crowd would.
ReplyDeleteI would seriously be pissed if someone was not allowing me outside when I needed to be outside, seems that there should be more oversight and maybe more evidence than one man getting pissed off that his wife could not go out.
Also thanks Robert for bringing David Wilcock to my attention.
DeleteYes, apparently Wilcock is building up a huge following from his books & media appearances. I don't know a lot about him myself. Are you telling us that you edited his Wiki page? It looks good. Now it needs a photo. I don't have one.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTypical Greer theatre, unintentional comedy.
In nearby Palm Springs! I'm sure it was intentional. With a name like that, how could Greer NOT employ them?
Delete"Black Ops Protective Agency is a full national firm especializing...."
English not their first language, I'm guessing.
And thanks for including the shot of Douglas Taylor's "Pleiadians" mural. That is a Scream!
What is that, Flying Saucer folk art? "UFO" Psychedelic outsider? Kosmic Kook Kitsch?
|| Douglas Taylor of Huntington Beach says he was on a surfing trip in the Virgin Islands when he was taken aboard a UFO and met these beings in a dream experience. “When I came back, I had the desire to paint,” Taylor said. “It was like getting plugged into a battery.”||
"Mentally traveling with an open mind and an adventurous heart we can perceive the reality of a civilization that has been evolving positively for literally millions of years. A society based upon an advanced scientific development that integrates technology and spiritual awareness in a synthesis of pure creative expression."
Yikes! Could he squeeze another new-age buzzword into that kooky appeal? "Quantum?"
Well, something happened to Doug on his "trip" back in the 1970s, but I doubt very much that it was a meeting with visitors from the Pleiades.
Our benevolent space brothers indeed. They are really concerned about us! Besides being lost in new-age time warp, there's something dark and ugly, even misanthropic, under all that colorful gloss. Heaven's Gate ring a bell?
Well, at least they protect "dicnitaries". Is that write-up on their site supposed to create a sense of professionalism at work?
DeleteI nearly got buzzword bingo from Taylor's spiel. I just needed synergy and higher consciousness.
Coming next year so order your tickets today!
August 2014
A glorious weekend of being held against your will in an overcrowded and stuffy conference room where you will be forced to listen to speakers rambling on topics they talk about at last year's conference.
Featured Guest Speakers:
Sherwood Lovett - "The Pleiadian's Initiative for Peace and Prosperity for Earth."
Fanny C. Prone - "How Time-Traveling Ancient Aliens using Stargates and Mystical Crystals from Atlantis contacted Shirley MacLaine's Mutilated Cow in a Crop Circle."
Lou P. Theery - "50 Shades of Grey - Understanding How the Grey Alien Reproduce."
Hugh Rection - "How To Meet Hot Pleidian Women."
Nightly Entertainment:
"Bruce Almighty" - Morgan Freeman impersonator.
There will be a Meet and Greet with representatives from the Pleiadian Interplanetary Lovey-Dovey Rainbow Council.
Photography or ogling the Pleiadian women are not permitted.
The following is paid advertisement:
Do you need to look IMPORTANT at your next UFO conference?
Do you want to generate DRAMA for your UFO presentation?
Do you feel threaten by skeptics asking uncomfortable questions?
Then consider...
Palm Spring's “Black Ops Protection Agency” Community Theatre.
Our "security" acting services are dedicated to make an IMPRESSION at your next UFO event.
Our staff are highly-trained and under-employed actors that will look and act like intimidating bodyguards just like in the movies!
We will guarantee that you'll have a "captive" audience at your next UFO lecture.
Our motto - Your Ego is Our Business!
OK, this one is pretty funny.
DeleteAll I knew about Wilcock was that in the lead up to 2012 he was claiming that after the 21st of December 'anyone' would be able to perform what amounts to magic. This quote from the Exposing PseudoAstronomy podcast says it all.
ReplyDelete"For example, on August 17, 2004, David Wilcock, the man who thinks he's the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, claimed that after December 21, 2012, we would be able to levitate, rewind time, and do instant healing ... among other things. The last time he was on was in May 2012, though he used to be on several times a year."
At least the street address of the Palm Springs "Black Ops Protective Agency" appears to be a plausible office for a small business, near as I can tell from Google Street View.
ReplyDeleteI found another one in Virginia called Black Ops Security Services (BOSS) whose stated mailing address turns out to be a mailbox in this UPS Store:
--Tim Farley
The website for the "Black Ops Agents" is incredibly amateurish.
ReplyDeleteDelusions of grandeur, Megalomania.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you expect from all these impostors, the Truth? Laughable FOOLS!
ReplyDeleteIs it not obvious to everyone yet, that pretty much everyone on that speaker's list, has been spewing the same old crap for many years now? And that virtually nothing of what they've claimed has added any significant value to the world, or that none of it has ever come to be?
ReplyDeleteAll the world, truly is a stage, folks...
The sooner you come to grips with this truth, the sooner their big production ceases to be what controls your minds...
In my humble opinion, if you compromise with yourself and others, that yes there is a lot of disinfo out there, but some of it may be true, you are fully deluding yourself and those others...
I don't know whether to label it laughable or pitiful... I guess really, it's both, in the end...
Especially the two posers mentioned in this article! Whew!
It's amazing to me that they can get their heads through the front door...
I recently spoke with a couple at the San Diego MUFON meeting who had attended "Contact in the Desert." They confirmed hearing William Henry hollering and banging on doors, but couldn't add any more details.
ReplyDeleteAs for this "Black Ops Protective Agency," WHOIS reports their Domain Registration info as follows. Apparently the owner is Canadian:
Current Registrar: TUCOWS DOMAINS INC.
IP Address: (ARIN & RIPE IP search)
Lock Status: clientTransferProhibited
Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0131826895
96 Mowat Ave
Toronto, ON M6K 3M1
Administrative Contact:
Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0131826895,
96 Mowat Ave
Toronto, ON M6K 3M1
Technical Contact:
Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0131826895,
96 Mowat Ave
Toronto, ON M6K 3M1
Registration Service Provider:
Homestead Technologies,
Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 22-Jun-2013.
Record expires on 21-Jul-2014.
Record created on 21-Jul-2012.
Registrar Domain Name Help Center:
Domain servers in listed order:
The owner isn't necessarily Canadian: they just paid for a privacy service based out of Canada. The whole point of the privacy service is to hide who paid for the domain name; this is a common thing and most people use it for non-nefarious reasons.
DeleteLook what I found on YouTube: Steven Greer's lecture (indoors) at the Joshua Tree conference center on Aug. 11, 2013.
We can actually see three of his security men, wearing yellow hats, positioning themselves in from of the exits, and they remain there for the duration of the lecture. I have never seen security guards do this at any other conference! At first we see two security men in front of the exit on the right. At about 1:42 into the video, one of the men crosses quickly and (apparently) takes up a position in from of an exit at the far left. We see him (I think) ever-so-briefly at about 12:58.
Greer repeats the allegation that he was offered $2 Billion (not million!) to join the Conspiracy. He had made this allegation in previous lectures.
Greer's talk continues past the end of this video at 26:32, so we don't know if any security issues came up (like somebody trying to leave).
Does anyone that visits this site actually seen what Micheal Tellinger has found in South Africa?
ReplyDeleteHe has called it "Adam's Calender". A stonehenge like structure atop a cliff , which dating estimates 200-100 000yrs old. The surrounding countryside is riddled with stone bldgs,roads & terraces which can be seen from google earth. Was this mans first civilization?
Current archaeologists dismiss it as a 1200AD creation of bantu people or the stone kingdom built 1000s of miles away. Surely this requires further investigation especially since genetics have determined that we all descend from "Mitochondrial Eve" . Modern man, homo sapiens sapiens, evolved in Africa 200 000yrs ago & started a mass migration around 60 000yrs ago >"Out of Africa Theory".
Alas, if it doesnt agree with mainstream archaeology, its ridiculed!!
Jim Marrs is a well respected journalist & author. He even draws the line at the so called "lizard people". But you have to wonder where theorists get their ideas from.
Since this blog has centred around the "black ops security" of Greer, for those of you who havent seen this ,take a look at "PsyOps Patches".
Not the army battalion level patches, but the world of "BLACK PSYOPS".
Thats the trillions of money that dissapears in the budget each year> glad to know they all have their own little mission patches!!
A lot have got to do with NOR(spy satellites) & space missions.
With pictures of an alien face,dragons clutching the earth, snakes entwinining the globe, illuminati pyramids with "all-seeing eye",devils.occult themes, wizards with lightning bolts & celestial features.
Names in latin, "All your bases are ours", "If we told you,we'd have to kill you", & my favourite depicting the moon>NOYFB(none of your F***ing business).
Maybe Jim O , knowing so much about all things space , could shed some light on the matter?
One mentions control of national-air breathing?
Has that got anything to do with chemtrails?????
Who would they be trying to scare or intimidate? The public doesnt get to see them. Maybe the rocket scientists ,physicists & astronomers working on the projects? Is this why NASA has delayed images?
The internet is a real worry to the black ops world, because the information cant be controlled. The panic caused by Snowden, Wikileaks & Manning have proven this.
I can also remember a UK hacker called Gary McKinnon. Still trying to be extradited to the US. He hacked into NASA & found a site listing "non-terrestial officers" & US ships, not with the navy!! Maybe he had found one of these "BLACK PSYOP" space squadrons, also on one of these very, very mysterious PATCHES !!!!!!
Where is everyone? Have you all been furloughed?
ReplyDeleteDo you trust your govt now? Bonehead & Obummer arent gunna budge on this little fiasco fellas- its been planned for years> Collapse of U$ dollar !!!
Napolitano has just abandoned ship at the thought of it all.
All your military troops are overseas> they wont fire on US civillians.
Police, DHS, TSA & Foreign troops will be the stormtroopers in black armour.
Billions of rounds of ammo ? MRAP personnel carriers ? Boxcars with shackles & handcuffs ? Plastic coffins ? FEMA camps & millions of Ration Meals & Water packs ? Dont forget those GUILLOTINES approved by that senator so body organs arent affected.
There is now video & document evidence all over the net that confirms all of this or do you still only watch FOX & believe the msm.
Alternative media exposed Benghazi & thus delayed Syria, but the main distraction now is this sideshow "Give me a call" in Washington.
Obamacare will still go through to "chip" the masses but dont tell them you own a gun on the form > Gun control is part of the collapse as well.
Sandy Hook & Navy Yard more propaganda, buy-back & amnesty, but eventually they will come knockin down the door to get rest.
Surely you must have suspicions of your "couldnt lie to me " govt, after all the NSA dealings with Manning,Assange & Snowden > they tried to warn you!
I hope none of you end up in the FEMA camps watching "dissidents" of the NWO getting beheaded by the guillotine.
Because they lie like a cheap rug, maybe that comet ISON is the natural disaster Naplitano is warning about.
Can you TRUST anything they say? I for one am hoping our space-brothers come to the rescue of planet earth.
There is a phenomenon of UFOs in the skies.
There is a phenomenon of Cropcircles.
There is a phenomenon of Cattle Mutilations.
There is a phenomenon of Alien Abductions. (I have a scoop mark to prove it)
> I have a scoop mark to prove it
DeleteA labotomy doesn't count as a scoop mark.
I just wanted to add this: anyone who has worked as an usher for events will understand the concept of a 'lock out'. This is where the presenter requests that anyone arriving at the venue after a certain amount of time will be 'locked out' from entering the performance, even if they have paid for tickets. The basic idea is that after a certain amount of time, the late audience members will have missed important information; late entry distracts the performers and the audience; it causes miscounting of heads in case of emergencies, or difficulty in seeing where you're going; etc. Some venues or presenters will have specified entry points - that is, you can enter during a scene change, or at specified times/points in the performance, for minimal interruption.
ReplyDeleteNow that's said: what these guys did is nowhere near the same. It's like they took this common idea and then ramped it up with their own particularly perverse version of it. This would most certainly be against any kind of OH&S that venues have to follow (if nothing else, they're blocking emergency exits), not least of which preventing people from leaving is in general against the law in most places.
Absolutely despicable security theatre for no purpose other than to 'impress' the simple folk. If the hired goons were actors, then they are certainly not professionals and certainly never had to work the door before.
And anyone who attended should notify the venue that they need to better supervise their space.
Wish I'd seen this when it first went up. Would like to ask what you thought of my talk?
ReplyDeleteI feel if any of you had a major serious death threat leveled at you of the kind that David Wilcock experienced after he disclosed highly sensitive material, and then you had to go out into public onto a stage, you would be showing up with body guards and bomb-sniffing dogs as well. Look it up. He has never been the same since, he admits that. Open your minds, people. These folks, all of the speakers mentioned, are trailblazers on a dangerous path, encouraging us to remove the blinders from our eyes. Or laugh it off. Your choice. By the way, I wasn't there, but a lock-out to me seems reasonable if they open the doors every 10 minutes, which it seemed they did.
ReplyDelete"Trailblazers on a dangerous path"? That was meant to be ironic right? Why would someone that powerful merely threaten anyway? I've always wondered about that one.
DeleteGreat thoughts you got there, about Security Services believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.