Yet another weird thing has surfaced. Perhaps many of you recall the SERPO hoax that first surfaced in 2005. Tom Delonge, founder of To The Stars Academy, knows all about SERPO. In accepting the 2017 UFO Researcher award at the International UFO Congress, Delonge said,
I’m just like you guys. I spent 20 years up all night, reading about Roswell, Dulce, Serpo, Churchill, the crashes here, Nazis building craft there, Antarctica, what’s on Mars, what’s on the back of the moon, and structures and anomalous this etc. I mean, I’ve done it all. I know it all. I read all the same authors as you guys, hundreds of books. I look at all the same sites. I listen to all the Coast To Coast stuff that you guys do. I’m the same.
The SERPO story goes like this:
the survivor [of the Roswell crash] provided them with the location of its home planet and continued to cooperate until its death in 1952. The alien provided information regarding the items found inside the crashed UFOs. One of the items was a communication device that it was allowed to use, contacting its home planet.
A meeting was set for April 1964, when an alien craft landed near Alamogordo, New Mexico. Upon retrieving the bodies of their dead comrades, the extraterrestrials engaged in an information exchange that was carried out in English, thanks to the aliens’ translation device. One thing led to another and in 1965, the aliens accepted to take a group of humans back to their planet as part of the exchange program. Twelve military personnel were carefully selected for a ten year stay on Serpo. The ten men and two women were specialists in various fields and their task was to gather as much information as possible, regarding all aspects of life, society and technology on the alien planet. They were three years late and four people short when they finally returned in 1978. Two men had died on the alien planet. One man and one woman had decided to stay. The journey to Serpo, located 37 light years from Earth, took only nine months aboard the alien craft.
Needless to say,
the story is total bollocks, as the Brits would say. The reason this is coming up again right now is because of the people involved. One of them is Richard Doty, a well-known UFO fabulist, which is no surprise. He has confessed to supposedly providing disinformation to the poor, mad Paul Bennewitz on behalf of the Air Force. (I say that Bennewitz (1927-2003) was "mad" because he was literally using tinfoil to keep out alien thought rays,
even before he had any contact with the Air Force.) Although in my view it's much more likely that Doty was operating as a free-lance disinformation agent, telling B.S. stories to Bennewitz for his own inscrutable reasons.
But two other names are indeed a big surprise, especially in the present-day context of UFOology:
- Christopher ‘Kit’ Green, M.D. (CIA Analyst, retired) "Kit is also a close and long-standing friend of Rick Doty, who he talked about with unguarded warmth and respect, though he was forced to admit that sometimes Rick's actions could be both puzzling and frustrating ... at a Denny's restaurant back in 1986 he, along with physicist Hal Puthoff and computer scientist and ufologist Jacques Vallee, distilled what they knew about the subject into what has become known as the 'core story.' Simply put, the core story, according to Kit, is this: "The ETs came here, maybe once, maybe a few times. Either through accident or design, the US Government acquired one of their craft. The only problem was that the physics that powered the craft were so advanced that for decades we humans have struggled to understand it or to replicate it." (quote is from Mark Pilkington's book Mirage Men, p.278-9. From the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena blog.)
Hal Puthoff (left), and Kit Green, from a video posted by Radio Misterioso. |
Why this is surprising is that both these people were contracted to write papers for AAWSAP (AATIP), the Pentagon's once-secret but now-famous UFO program. Puthoff is "co-founder and Vice President of Science and Technology of TTS Academy," and their all-around go-to guy for weird physics.
Here is a collection of SERPO-related emails from 2006 involving Doty, Green, Puthoff, and others. Maybe somebody can explain to us exactly what is going on? Some of these comments sound quite suspicious, to say the least:
Green to several others: "How much did you two guys tell this lady about Hal, Rick, Kit...use our names ever? Say what we were doing with the Team of Five? Give our backgrounds or credentials? Any of our emails?: (p. 8).
Bill Ryan writes to Green: "Remember: WJ, Shawnna xxxxxxxx and “Valhall” (real name xxxxxxxxxxx, “Springer”s wife) also know your involvement in the team of five. All three will be harboring grudges." "Springer" is a well-known moderator on
Above Top Secret (p. 12).
Green writes to the others: "I don't know who besides the two of you know that Hal, myself, and Rick are working an issue together on Serpo (with the two of you...who are mysteriously missing from the addressee line.) No one else...ever in the entire period has ever sent a note like this linking specifically the three of us, and just the three of us. Not even Sarfatti knows, or Dan, or Collins, or WJ. Until now, maybe." (p. 12)
Green writes to the others: "to the extent this is a true story (SERPO) that is, and that at LEAST 50% is true...mixed with 50% untrue (to allow plausible deniability, as is done officially all the time) and that there is a "battle" going on with some of the insiders now being in power to stop the SERPO release officially" (p. 29). "For the nth time, and for the nth time on summary remains the same: SERPO is not is a hoax because it looks like a hoax, smells like a hoax, feels like a hoax. But it doesn't WALK like a hoax; it "walks" like someone is in or has access to official capability, or knows very advanced IT technology to legally appear they do...and may be engaged in something we simply do not understand. An Alternative Reality Game....purposely inserting memes and engrams in the collective consciousness by using a viral marketing model...fits 100% of the data I have seen. It may even be legal..and it may only be us who ends up thinking that the hurt it causes people is unethical. (p. 30).
Green writes to the others: "Well, if Hal and myself are "OUTED" we sure know who caused that, don't we?" (p. 39)
Green writes to Doty and Puthoff: "I have lost a great deal of trust in the ability of the team to either keep secrets, do what we say, and more." (p. 65).
Green is obviously very concerned about "who knows what we are doing here?" Frankly, this smells quite suspicious. Note that the website the "Team of Five" is worried about is, which is a site
debunking the SERPO story. According to Shawwna at that website,
"The "Team of 5" consists of: Christopher 'Kit' Green, MD, Harold Puthoff, Richard C. Doty, Victor Martinez, and Bill Ryan In other words, they are frantic to find out 'who has been leaking information about us to the debunking website?' Puthoff and Green owe us a very good explanation of their role in the SERPO hoax and the "Team of Five" if they want to be taken seriously.
(Thanks to Curt Collins for research assistance on this and the previous posting.😃 The story of the Anti-Gravity Lawsuit will be in the next posting.)
Generally speaking, Hal Putoff is a decent researcher, so I'm quite surprised he got mixed up with this fable.
ReplyDeleteI hope the aliens' translator worked better than this one:
ReplyDeleteDo any of the Serpo numbers appear wrong? Distance, time, weight, transit time? Some planetary constants curiously very (too!) close to earth's.
ReplyDeleteThis stuff presented is the real reason why most people think the UFO field is a big joke, and full of con men and women. Even a 12 year kid would not believe such garbage, and take it seriously. I don't know if ET exists or not, but stuff like this destroys any credibility that the field may have. Besides, what university gives out UFO degrees?
ReplyDeleteExpanding on what Ness wrote above, I think a big reason more qualified researchers don't get involved in fringe subjects is because what the rest of the world recognize as fundamentals of logic and reasoning remain up for debate. Not only are standards of evidence not agreed upon, they're not even acknowledged to matter.
ReplyDeleteThis translates to the topic at hand by calling blog posts like this one attempts to suppress the so-called important forthcoming disclosure. It never seems to work its way into the popular narrative to hold the people accountable who allegedly possess all the conclusive evidence.
I just posted on YouTube my paper "Habitable Planets and Alien Civilizations in the Reciprocal System"; this may be of interest to readers of Robert's blog. I apply the deductions of the Reciprocal System to the terms of the Drake Equation and thereby calculate the number.
ReplyDeleteOn the question of "UFO degrees", I seem to remember Dr. Edward Condon mentioning lectures known as "UFO classes" that were offered as part of a degree course, either at Colorado University or elsewhere in the US. This was in the 1960s and got a brief mention in the Condon Report of 1969. I don't recall the details now.
ReplyDeleteJust in case you don't know, has been taken over by one of those dodgy-looking generic pages with ads. Anyone know where it went? Moved or just didn't pay their bills?
ReplyDeleteProbably, whoever was running it gave up on it.
DeleteFortunately, the Wayback Machine has archived that site 76 times, from 2007 to the present.*/