Lowest ever 18-49 demo at 0.17
Lowest ever Total Audience at 926K
Also, its ratings were consistently beaten by Ancient Aliens (oh, the shame!).

Randle remarked on how even Steven Basset was calling out TTSA for their credulity - I was going to bring it up but he beat me to it - and we both commented, how credulous do you have to be for even Steven Bassett to call you gullible?!! Steven Bassett is the Energizer Bunny of Disclosure. His organization Paradigm Research Group sponsored the rather silly "Citizens' Hearing" that was supposed to mimic Congressional hearings on UFO disclosure. Here is what Basset had to say about the final episode of "Unidentified":
The sixth episode of Unidentified was flawed to the point of being grotesque. Every aspect of the production was designed to be dark including the cinematography, editing, and content, which was drenched in "threat" projection.
The TTS/AAS decided to go to Italy to address an incident involving a helicopter allegedly damaged and forced to land by a UAP. Meetings were held with Italian officials and researchers. Within the context of these meetings there was reference to a series of mysterious fires that occurred in the Italian village of Canetto di Caronia in 2004, 2005 and 2014. It was suggested these fires were caused by rays beaming out the sea where a UAP underwater base was located. Really?
It seemed clear to PRG the TTS/AAS had gone to some length to find a case that involved an "attack" by a UAP on a military vehicle. PRG was surprised at the TTS/AAS's lack of credulity regarding these assertions by the Italians. [RS - I think he means "credulity," or "lack of skepticism"].
The fires. In March of 2015 Giuseppe Pezzino and his father Antonio Pezzino were arrested and charged with arson, conspiracy to commit fraud, and sounding a false alarms pertaining to the events in Canetto di Caronia. Insurance fraud was the likely motivation. The Italian military police had installed hidden cameras in the streets after the fires started again in July 2014. Video captured about 40 incidents implicating Giuseppe and Antonio. There was also phone tap evidence. They were found guilty.
The TTS/ASS could have found this information on the Internet in 10 minutes.
The helicopter. Helicopter rotors hit birds. Also, it was not a "military" helicopter. It was the equivalent to a "police" helicopter.
Paradigm Research recently ran this ad for an new documentary about the UFO fabulist Jaime Maussan
"On September 27, 2017, the company announced an offering pursuant to...raising $1,370,230 before closing on September 28, 2018..."
[KB] comment: This is the first time I can recall, that a figure has been shown, for how much was raised by the first stock offering. [A full subscription would have brought in $50 million , so they fell a little short.- RS].
The latest offering is "a maximum of 6,000,000 shares of Class A common stock...The cost price per share...is set at $5.00. The minimum investment is 70 shares or $350."
[KB] comment: If all shares are subscribed to, the result would be an investment of $30,000,000.
Risk Factors
1. "Our Aerospace and Science Divisions have no current customers and no revenues."
2. "Aerospace and scientific research and development can be risky, and there are no guarantees that any of the projects we undertake will lead to a commercially viable product."
[KB] comment: These statements are telling ones.
San Diego, CA (July 25, 2019) - To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) has acquired multiple pieces of metamaterials and an archive of initial analysis and research for their controversial ADAM Research Project. ADAM, an acronym for Acquisition and Data Analysis of Materials, is an academic research program focused on the exploitation of exotic materials for technological innovation.
The ownership of these assets, which were previously retained and studied by investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe and are reported to have come from an advanced aerospace vehicle of unknown origin, allows TTSA to conduct rigorous scientific evaluations to determine its function and possible applications.
“The structure and composition of these materials are not from any known existing military or commercial application,” says Steve Justice, current COO of To The Stars Academy and former head of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin's "Skunk Works."
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Linda Moulton Howe smiling radiantly inside a Crop Circle. |
scientific technologist Nicholas A. Reiter [to examine] the alleged UFO crash debris, he also successfully replicated the metal and presented Howe with a sample. ufowatchdog.com was told by Reiter that Howe reportedly scoffed at the results of the report because the replicated material was not 100% "exactly" like the alleged UFO crash debris Howe has been advertising as being mysterious. Reiter stated in a letter to ufowatchdog.com, " [Linda's] opinion was that what I had offered had no resemblance to her sample. But she never did make any detailed and accurate reference to it either."
Reiter also mentioned that Howe was reporting the mystery metal would move when high voltage was applied to it. Reiter stated that a piece of a soda can, or just about any metal for that matter, would move with enough voltage running through it.
Odd that Howe would report everything showing the piece to be unusual, yet not report on the conclusions of the report found below. On a side note, the scientific technologist that compiled this report at the request of Howe is the same scientific technologist Howe used to examine the bogus Brazil UFO Abduction. Howe wasn't apparently satisfied with those results and chose to use someone else to examine the materials after Reiter and another scientist concluded there was nothing unusual about the evidence. Howe went on to champion that case in spite of an analysis done by two scientists she has used in the past without question.
At the most basic of levels, we would freely state that the artifact portion provided by LMH does NOT seem to be composed of elements or compounds which are unknown. Nor is it composed of alloys that appear to be of a purity or combination beyond the scope of current material science. The artifact bears a strong resemblance to irregular layered residue often found in large physical vapor deposition (PVD) coaters. This family of filming processes includes sputtering, E-beam, and resistively heated thermal evaporation; all common vacuum processes used widely in industry. The structure of the artifact very strongly suggests long term, high rate, disordered epitaxial growth on a cold surface (chilled evaporant shield? chamber walls?).
This says it all about TTS, that it has,"no current customers and no revenues." The only intake of monies for TTS, are coming from the dummies giving their hard earned cash to them. I had to laugh, when I learned that the alien space metal came from Ms. Howe-I see she's still kicking around, eh? Anything coming from her has to be checked and checked again, considering her past UFO antics.
ReplyDeleteNothing new here. The TTSA, with all of its glorious promises and fancy publicity, is nothing more than another UFO con job trying to separate people from their hard-earned money in order to benefit themselves. They have used people, like those naval pilots with their reports/videos, as tools to sucker UFO aficionados into making them appear as a legitimate scientific organization. They are no more scientific than MUFON and all the other UFO organizations. The motto of UFO claims should be "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't".
ReplyDelete"Tom DeLonge’s UFO Organization Says It’s Obtained ‘Exotic’ Metals Unknown to Science
ReplyDeleteIt hasn't posted any proof yet, but the former Blink 182 singer's group says it is currently studying materials to see if they came from a UFO."
By MJ Banias
"In an interview with Motherboard, Dr. Chris Cogswell, who hosts the Mad Scientist Podcast and who holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering, explained that we need to be incredibly cautious before jumping to conclusions. He expressed that layered magnesium and bismuth alloys are pretty common and are certainly easily explainable by science.
“Micrometer thick layers are made by mistake in metallurgy facilities all the time. The purification of lead by removing bismuth using magnesium is a perfectly reasonable explanation,” he said."
an interesting developmemt regarding the TTSA metamaterials, Congressman Mark Walker, wants to know if the claims are true..
Well, maybe aliens used a manufacturer of industrial materials like Scotty did in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Did you ever think of that possibility? Geez.