So by now probably everyone has heard about the latest round of UFO-related documents released by the Pentagon via FOIA. And do they sound exciting, if the headlines are to be believed.
The tabloid Daily Mail reported, "UFOs sightings have left witnesses with radiation burns, brain damage and 'perceived time suspension', according to interviews in newly released Pentagon report from 2010". Luis Elizondo, whose claims of having led the Pentagon's AATIP UFO investigation program are not supported by any documentary evidence, is said to have "confirmed" to Tucker Carlson on Fox news that UFOs have "caused harm" to humans. Even more surprisingly,
The second game-changing reveal Mr. Elizondo shared was shared during a discussion about how some pilots and other individuals who had come in close contact with UFOs had some negative brain damage and radiation burns. It was then that Mr. Elizondo pointed out that while this was indeed the case, there were also cases where exposed individuals had positive effects from the close contact with UFOs.
Mr. Elizondo then said some of these individuals suddenly developed artistic abilities, such as being able to "play the piano," even though they never had a lesson. Some of them also developed Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) skills, he said
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Encounters with UFOs have reportedly left Americans suffering from radiation burns, brain and nervous system damage, and even "unaccounted for pregnancy," according to a massive database of U.S. government reports recently made public through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
citing as their authority The Sun.
Well, that's not accurate.
Claims of physical effects following alleged UFO encounters are discussed in just one of the AAWSAP papers. Jack Brewer recently wrote a long posting for his Blog The UFO Trail titled "The UFO Injury Study that Wasn't." In it he writes,
Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green is well known among those with an eye to the UFO genre for reasons including his work with the CIA and corporations controlled by Robert Bigelow. In approximately 2010 he provided a paper to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies for inclusion in the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program. The AAWSAP contract was awarded to BAASS by the Defense Intelligence Agency. Green's paper, one of some 38 collected by BAASS at the time, is titled Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human Biological Tissues.
The paper attempts to summarize evidence of injury to human observers by "anomalous advanced aerospace systems," and argues the possibility such systems can be reverse engineered through clinical diagnosis of the injured observers. The paper was recently included among a batch of documents released by the DIA in response to FOIA requests but is not entirely new to those closely following the saga.
The newfound attention propelled the paper to be mischaracterized rather far and wide, misrepresented as portraying DIA official conclusions that people were seriously injured during otherworldly UFO encounters. In actuality, the paper was authored by a consultant who unequivocally stated during the April 6 phone call he absolutely believes the cases he studied are indicative of human technology.
Then there are accounts of an "unexpected pregnancy," "gynecological problems," or a woman's "missing pregnancy," after a UFO abduction.
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Marty Kottmeyer dug up these references for one of Dr. Green's 'unexplained pregnancy' cases. |
The veteran Canadian UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski wrote on the Facebook group "UFO Updates" (April 11), "It's pretty sad, yes, that a wild claim by a Canadian contactee made it into a US government report without vetting of any kind. It makes you wonder if other "data" in the Pentagon reports are similar." Indeed.
And while we're on the subject, we should note that Travis Walton has also reported the UFO abduction-related "missing pregnancy" of his (unnamed) girlfriend.
Then there is the matter of, what exactly did the Pentagon get for the $22 million that it gave to Bigelow Advanced Aerospace in accordance with AAWSAP? For some time, the only known output of the program was the 38 papers on weird science (known as DIRDs, "Defense Information Research Documents"), with subjects like "warp drives" and "positron propulsion." But wait - now there's more!
NEWSTALK BREAKFAST [Ireland], April 1, 2022.If there were only 38 papers funded by the DIA under AAWSAP, I asked, what about the other 66 papers we hadn't heard about? Researcher Curt Collins pointed out that the recently-published book Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders' Account of the Secret Government UFO Program by James Lacatski, Colm Kelleher, and George Knapp, contains an appendix listing a jumble of papers supposedly representing all of AAWSAP's output, all thrown together in a way that makes them almost impossible to read or analyze. I took the liberty of inserting numbers and formatting characters into this list (below). All 38 of the DIRDs are included, and are so labelled. Here we see 106 items, not 104. Which brings up the question: When can we see the still-unreleased 68 remaining items?
Colm Kelleher is interviewed: "Meet the Irishman who headed up The Pentagon search for UFOs". Kelleher worked on the Bigelow side of the $22 million AAWSAP contract.
"And by the end of the two-year programme, which the Defence Intelligence Agency funded, for $22m we had submitted 104 separate technical reports on UFOs."
The disclosure finally makes it clear that the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program (AAWSAP) and the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) were the same entity. AATIP was the “Unclassified Nickname” used by Senator Harry Reid when asking for Special Access Program status and funding for the project.
But there was a difference between the two programs [mine and Elizondo's]. Ours [AAWSAP] had $22 million dollars in funding, his [AATIP] had zero. Ours looked at military and civilian investigations, his looked at military exclusively. And we had, of course, contractor and subcontractor support. He had no contractor support. But he did his thing, we did ours. But I can say that in direct answer to your question, we were the only game in town, I would say from 2008 through 2012So far as I am aware, Elizondo has never disputed this statement, and has had only praise for Lacatski. So how to reconcile the question of comparing AAWSAP and AATIP?
Appendix I
1. AAWSAP Contract Information AAWSAP Solicitation HHM402-08-R-0211, DIA, 18 August 2008 (39 pages) BAASS Proposal Volumes I, II, III, BAASS, 8 September 2008 (53 pages)
2. AAWSAP Contract HHM402-08-C-0072, DIA, 22 September 2008 (5 pages)
3. AAWSAP Contract HHM402-08-C-0072 Modification P00001-Option Year 1, DIA, 2 September 2009 (3 pages)
4. AAWSAP Contract HHM402-08-C-0072 Modification P00002–Option Year 1, DIA, 2 February 2010 (6 pages)
5. AAWSAP Contract HHM402-08-C-0072 Modification P00005–Extension, DIA, 28 September 2010 (4 pages)
6. AAWSAP Contract HHM402-08-C-0072 Closeout-Completion 20 December 2010, U-0384, DIA, 3 June 2011 (2 pages)
7. AAWSAP Designation of Contracting Officer’s Representative, U-988-08/ AE-2D, DIA, 20 October 2008 AAWSAP Contract HHM402-08-C-0072 Facility Clearance-BAASS, DSS, 4 March 2009 (11 pages)
8. AAWSAP Special Access Program Request Letter–Senator Harry Reid (Majority Leader) to William Lynn III (Deputy Secretary of Defense), 24 June 2009 (4 pages)
9. AAWSAP Production BAASS September 21–October 31 2008 Report: Facilities, Recruiting, Subcontracts (7 pages)
10. AAWSAP Technical Studies 1-12 Approaches–EarthTech, November 2008 (125 pages)
11. AAWSAP Technical Studies 1-12 Approaches–MUFON, November 2008 (26 pages)
12. BAASS November 2008 Monthly Report: Facilities, Recruiting, Clearances, Project Management Plan, and Acquisition of UAP Databases (9 pages)
13. BAASS Project Management Plan (Overview), 2 December 2008 (49 pages)
14. AAWSAP Technical Studies 1-12 Approaches-John Schuessler, 23 October 2008–5 December 2008 (164 pages)
15. AAWSAP CAPELLA Data Warehouse Development Plan–Jacques Vallee, 10 December 2008 (42 pages)
16. BAASS December 2008 Monthly Report: Recruiting, Clearances, Acquisition of UAP Databases (8 pages)
17. BAASS January 2009 Monthly Report: Recruiting, Clearances, Development of UAP Databases, Project Northern Tier, UAP Files at Los Alamos and DIA (13 pages)
18. BAASS February 2009 Monthly Report: Recruiting, Clearances, Development of UAP Databases, UAP Files at Los Alamos, EarthTech Contract, Reporting from FAA, and British, Canadian, and Danish Governments UAP Reports Assessment (19 pages)
19. BAASS March 2009 Monthly Report: Recruiting, Clearances, Development of UAP Databases, EarthTech Contract, Reporting from FAA, MUFON Contract, The UFO Assault on Brazil with its Epicenter at Colares (1977-2003) by John Schuessler, and British, Canadian, and Danish Governments UAP Reports Assessment (42 pages)
20. Unmanned Autonomous Surveillance Platform–Prototype Design, BAASS, 6 April 2009 (7 pages)
21. RAF Lakenheath F-15C Investigation, BAASS, 21 April 2009 (15 pages)
22. BAASS April 2009 Monthly Report: Recruiting, Clearances, EarthTech Contract, MUFON Contract, Project Northern Tier, and British, Canadian, French, and Danish Governments UAP Reports Assessment (50 pages)
23. Tic Tac (Nimitz Carrier Strike Group) Investigation, BAASS, 7 January 2009–18 May 2009 (28 pages)
24. BAASS May 2009 Monthly Report: Additional Facilities, Recruiting, EarthTech Contract, MUFON Investigations, Deployment to Brazil, and British, Canadian, French, and Danish Governments UAP Reports Assessment (39 pages)
25. CAPELLA Data Warehouse–NIDS Database Completion Summary, BAASS, 17 June 2009 (2 pages)
26. BAASS June 2009 Monthly Report: Additional Facilities, Recruiting, EarthTech Contract, MUFON Investigations, Deployment to Brazil, Project Northern Tier, and British, Canadian, French, and Danish Governments UAP Reports Assessment (134 pages)
27. Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon / Close Encounter–Lagol, CA, BAASS Case #090709-2, 5 July 2009–27 July 2009 (257 pages)
28. BAASS July 2009 Ten Month Report: BAASS Investigations, Project Physics, Project Engagement, Project Cooperation, Project Blue Book Materials, Project Campus, Project Oral History, Project Database / Analysis Government Files, Project Northern Tier, Project Colares / Brazil, Outreach to South America (530 pages)
29. BAASS August 2009 Monthly Report: Additional Facilities, Recruiting, MUFON Investigations, Project Northern Tier, Relations with South American Organizations, and Utah Ranch Investigations (129 pages)
30. BAASS September 2009 Monthly Report: Additional Facilities, Recruiting, MUFON Investigations, Marley Woods Reconnaissance, and Utah Ranch Investigations (146 pages)
31. BAASS October 2009 Monthly Report: Additional Facilities, Recruiting, MUFON Investigations, and Utah Ranch Investigations (193 pages)
32. BAASS November 2009 Month Report: MUFON Investigations, Utah Ranch Investigations, and Blue Orb Incident (155 pages)
33. DIRD 1: Advanced Nuclear Propulsion for Manned Deep Space Missions, Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg, Univ. of Nevada-Reno, 1 December 2009 (37 pages)
34. Skinwalker Ridge Investigations, BAASS, 31 August 2009–9 December 2009 (141 pages)
35. DIRD 2: Metallic Glasses: Status and Prospects for Aerospace Applications, Dr. Todd Hufnagel, Johns Hopkins Univ., 14 December 2009 (30 pages)
36. DIRD 3: Aerospace Applications of Programmable Matter, Dr. Wil McCarthy, Ravenbrick, 14 December 2009 (20 pages)
37. BAASS December 2009 Monthly Report: MUFON Investigations, Utah Ranch Investigations, and Russian Documents (144 pages)
38. DIRD 4: Biomaterials, Dr. Bruce Towe, Arizona State Univ., 7 January 2010 (32 pages)
39. DIRD 5: Materials for Advanced Aerospace Platforms, Dr. J. Williams, Ohio State Univ., 12 January 2010 (27 pages)
40. DIRD 6: Pulsed High-Power Microwave Source Technology, Dr. James Wells, JW Enterprises, 28 January 2010 (37 pages)
41. BAASS January 2010 Monthly Report: MUFON Investigations, Utah Ranch Investigations, and Analysis of UAP entering Water using ANSYS Software (108 pages)
42. Remote Viewing of Utah Ranch by Joe McMoneagle, BAASS, 27 February 2010 (8 pages)
43. BAASS February 2010 Monthly Report: BAASS-MUFON Relations, Utah Ranch Investigations (71 pages)
44. Utah Ranch Investigation: August 2009-February 2010, BAASS (360 pages)
45. DIRD 7: Invisibility Cloaking: Theory and Experiments, Dr. Ulf Leonhardt, Univ. of St. Andrews, 2 March 2010 (29 pages)
46. DIRD 8: Positron Aerospace Propulsion, Dr. Gerald Smith, Positronics Research, 2 March 2010 (35 pages)
47. DIRD 9: Space Access: Where We’ve Been . . . and Where We Could Go, Dr. Paul Czysz, HyperTech Concepts, 8 March 2010 (56 pages)
48. DIRD 10: Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion, Dr. George Miley, Univ. Of Illinois, 10 March 2010 (72 pages)
49. DIRD 11: Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human Biological Tissues, Dr. Kit Green, Wayne State Univ. School of Medicine, 11 March 2010 (38 pages)
50. DIRD 12: An Introduction to the Statistical Drake Equation, Dr. Claudio Maccone, International Academy of Astronautics, 11 March 2010 (55 pages)
51. # 3 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: UAP Sightings–Niagara Falls, Canada, BAASS Case #200900000108000, 9 October 2009–21 March 2010 (393 pages)
52. # 4 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Paranormal Activity–Tennyson, IN, BAASS Case #20100000018000, 12 March 2010-18 March 2010 (174 pages)
53. DIRD 13: The Role of Superconductors in Gravity Research, Dr. George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting Services, 23 March 2010 (16 pages)
54. DIRD 14: Technological Approaches to Controlling External Devices in the Absence of Limb-Operated Interfaces, Dr. Richard Genik II, Wayne State Univ. School of Medicine, 23 March 2010 (36 pages)
55. DIRD 15: Metallic Spintronics, Dr. Maxim Tsoi, Univ. of Texas-Austin, 23 March 2010 (27 pages)
56. DIRD 16: Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering, Dr. Hal Puthoff, EarthTech International, 29 March 2010 (17 pages)
57. DIRD 17: Antigravity for Aerospace Applications, Dr. Eric Davis, EarthTech International, 30 March 2010 (44 pages)
58. DIRD 18: Maverick Inventor versus Corporate Inventor: Where Will the Next Major Innovations Arise?, Dr. George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting Services, 30 March 2010 (19 pages)
59. DIRD 19: The Space-Communication Implications of Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality, Dr. John Cramer, Univ. of Washington–Seattle, 30 March 2010 (32 pages)
60. DIRD 20: BioSensors and BioMEMS: A Survey of the Present Field, Dr. Bruce Towe, Arizona State Univ., 31 March 2010 (45 pages)
61. DIRD 21: State of the Art and Evolution of High Energy Laser Weapons, Dr. John Albertine, Directed Technologies, 31 March 2010 (31 pages)
62. DIRD 22: State of the Art and Evolution of High Energy Laser Weapons, Dr. John Albertine, Directed Technologies, 31 March 2010 (classified edition)
63. BAASS March 2010 Monthly Report: BAASS-MUFON Relations, HBCCUFO UAP Site, Utah Ranch Investigations, Niagara Falls Anomalies, and Tennyson, IN Anomalies (71 pages)
64. DIRD 23: Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions, Dr. Richard Obousy, Obousy Consulting and Dr. Eric Davis, EarthTech International, 2 April 2010 (33 pages)
65. DIRD 24: Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy, Dr. Eric Davis, EarthTech International, 6 April 2010 (42 pages)
66. DIRD 25: High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Communications, Dr. Robert Baker, GravWave, 6 April 2010 (74 pages)
67. DIRD 26: Concepts for Extracting Energy from the Quantum Vacuum, Dr. Eric Davis, EarthTech International, 6 April 2010 (57 pages)
68. DIRD 27: Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications, Dr. Gennady Shvets, Univ. of Texas–Austin, 6 April 2010 (38 pages)
69. # 5 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Paranormal Activity–Buckeye, AZ, BAASS Case #20100000033000, 5 April 2010–8 April 2010 (275 pages)
70. # 6 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Triangle UAP-GA, BAASS Case #20090000032000, 14 September 2009–19 April 2010 (125 pages)
71. Utah Ranch Investigation: 22-26 March 2010 and 19-23 April 2010, BAASS (60 pages)
72. BAASS April 2010 Monthly Report: BAASS-MUFON Relations, HBCCUFO UAP Site, Utah Ranch Investigations, GA Anomalies and Buckeye, AZ Anomalies (252 pages)
73. BAASS May 2010 Monthly Report: BAASS-MUFON Relations, HBCCUFO UAP Site, Utah Ranch Investigations, Blue Orb Anomaly, and Additional BAASS UAP Cases (117 pages)
74. # 7 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Investigation of a Reported Blue Orb Anomaly Involving Human Physiological Effects, 2 June 2010 (30 pages)
75. # 8 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Russian Thread III Project, 2 June 2010 (149 pages)
76. # 9 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Dominique Weinstein’s Pilot Database Analysis, 21 June 2010 (29 pages)
77. # 10 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Projects Sign / Grudge / Blue Book Database Analysis, 21 June 2010 (30 pages)
78. # 11 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Utah Ranch Database Analysis, 21 June 2010 (101 pages)
79. # 12 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Analysis of Small Red Spheres Obtained from Two Alleged UAP Landing Sites in the Soviet Union, 30 June 2010 (77 pages)
80. BAASS June 2010 Monthly Report: BAASS-MUFON Relations, HBCCUFO UAP Site, Utah Ranch Investigations, Maxwell AFB Visit, Ellsworth AFB Investigation, UAP Landing Traces, and Additional BAASS Anomaly Cases (58 pages)
81. BAASS July 2010 Monthly Report: BAASS-MUFON Relations, HBCCUFO UAP Site, Utah Ranch Investigations, Anomaly at Bigelow Aerospace, Window Rock, AZ Investigation, and Integrated Threat Analysis Summary (75 pages)
82. BAASS Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Threat Assessment (Comprehensive Integrated Threat Assessment Addendum Report), 30 July 2010 (228 pages)
83. BAASS August 2010 Monthly Report: BAASS-MUFON Relations, HBCCUFO UAP Site, Utah Ranch Investigations, and National Archives Visit (38 pages)
84. BAASS September 2010 Monthly Report: BAASS-MUFON Relations, HBCCUFO UAP Site, Utah Ranch Investigations, DIMOC Visit GA Anomalies Follow-Up, and Sand Mountain / Fyffe, AL Investigation (116 pages)
85. DIRD 28: Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion, Drs. V. Teofilo, R. White, S. Petrinec, Lockheed Martin, 1 November 2010 (36 pages)
86. DIRD 29: Cockpits in the Era of Breakthrough Flight, Dr. M. Millis, Tau Zero, 1 November 2010 (57 pages)
87. DIRD 30: Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion, Dr. William Culbreth, Univ. Of Nevada-Las Vegas, 1 November 2010 (50 pages)
88. DIRD 31: Laser Lightcraft Nanosatellites, Dr. Eric Davis, EarthTech International, 1 November 2010 (77 pages)
89. DIRD 32: Ultracapacitors as Energy and Power Storage Devices for Commercial and Military Applications, Drs. J. Golightly and V. Teofilo, Lockheed Martin, 1 November 2010 (34 pages)
90. DIRD 33: Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities, Dr. William Culbreth, Univ. of Nevada-Las Vegas, 20 November 2010 (46 pages)
91. DIRD 34: Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Air Breathing Propulsion and Power for Aerospace Applications, Drs. S. Macheret and K. Goodfellow, Lockheed Martin, 21 November 2010 (32 pages)
92. Summary Report on BAASS UAP Analysis Capabilities: TicTac and Sphere Assessments, 23 November 2010 (141 pages)
93. DIRD 35: Quantum Computing and Utilizing Organic Molecules in Automation Technology, Dr. Richard Genik II, Wayne State Univ., 10 December 2010 (54 pages)
94. DIRD 36: Cognitive Limits on Simultaneous Control of Multiple Unmanned Spacecraft, Dr. Richard Genik II, Wayne State Univ., 15 December 2010 (31 pages)
95. DIRD 37: Negative Mass Propulsion, Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg, Univ. of Nevada-Reno, 3 January 2011 (43 pages)
96. DIRD 38: Quantum Tomography of Negative Energy States in the Vacuum, Dr. Eric Davis, EarthTech International, 11 January 2011 (51 pages)
97. Utah Ranch Events: 1 September 2007–2 April 2012, BAASS (26 pages)
98. AAWSAP BAASS CAPELLA Data Warehouse CAPELLA Data Warehouse Database / Spreadsheet User’s Guide (12 pages)
99. NIDS Spreadsheet (Historical 1946-2004), 11 September 2009 (1570 cases) Dominique Weinstein’s Pilot Spreadsheet (Historical 1942–2007), 3 June 2010 (483 records)
100. Sign / Grudge / Blue Book Spreadsheet (Historical 1947-1969), 22 September 2010 (15674 cases, 577 unidentified)
101. UFOCAT Spreadsheet (Historical 1000-2008), 4 February 2010 (203805 cases)
102. Project Colares Spreadsheet (Historical 1977-1978), 28 January 2010 (356 cases)
103. Canadian Release Spreadsheet (Historical 1971-1981), 24 February 2010 (795 cases)
104. United Kingdom Release Spreadsheet (Historical 1950-1997), 9 June 2010 (2879 cases)
105. BAASS Spreadsheet (Current Reporting 1999-2010), 16 April 2010 (27 cases)
106. Utah Ranch Spreadsheet (Historical and Current Reporting 1950-2012), 3 April 2012 (582 cases)”
— From Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders' Account of the Secret Government UFO Program by James Lacatski, Colm Kelleher, and George Knapp
Thanks for keeping an eye on all this, Robert. Lots of questions continue to mount (as you aptly questioned about what the Pentagon got for its 22 million).
ReplyDeleteIn the Lacatski and company book they named 'Skinwalkers at the Pentagon' with straight faces, they referenced a 360-page report delivered in 2010 to DIA and titled, "Utah Ranch Investigation: August 2009-February 2010". I submitted a FOIA request for it to DIA, along with the details as asserted in the book. Nada. A search turned up no responsive documents:
Is the DIA embarrassed about the records obtained by FOIA researchers thus far and trying to obstruct further public awareness of the ill-conceived activities that were funded? Did Bigelow take such reports with him? I dunno, make what you will of the docs obtained (and those yet to be found), but suffice it to say, as you correctly point out, the sensational assertions made for the past five years are falling well short of being substantiated.
ReplyDeleteYou explained away Jimy Carter ufo incident as "Venus". The Wikipedia entry suggest a different one: a high-altitude barium release cloud. Would you care to comment?
Just seek, and ye shall find.
The Venus suggestion was many years ago, based on the actual event date. A subsequent search of local newspapers the day after the event explicitly described the NASA launch, which is also in official NASA rocket activity records. See
DeleteCan you add a link to where the "case reports" are? I can find and read the DIRDs, but can't find, for example Ref. 27....?
ReplyDeleteHave you come to the personal conclusion that all UFO accounts are bogus and unsubstantiated, or just those you have commented on?
ReplyDeleteHave you come to the conclusion that all UFO accounts are bogus, or just the ones you've commented on in this post?